Work Description

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 1 – End month 36)
The main goal of this work package is to appropriately coordinate the project in order to guarantee:
- A correct management of the overall project with respect to administrative, financial and technical issues.
- The highest quality of service and completing deliverables according to time and budget.
- The monitoring follow-up and reporting of the status of the project to be able to take corrective actions if necessary.
- Coordinate the participation of the members of the advisory board involved in the project.

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 1 – End month 14)
The main objective of this WP is to research and develop the tools needed to select the combination of renewable technologies for energy production and that will allow meeting the electric system’s demands. Along with the proposed solution, tools for evaluating additional configurations will be developed for identification of alternative solutions and comparison.
Furthermore it aims at the design low level libraries capable of narrowing the selection of the most suitable technologies with increasing level of detail for CSP, PV, wind, biomass (coal), HYSOL and combined cycle; define highly detailed models for GRIDSOL integration to forecast power production; and evaluate alternatives for proposed GRIDSOL configuration to mitigate variable energy production and integration of non-renewable energies, creating algorithms that use the information included in the libraries to select the technologies capable of meeting the electricity demand.

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 6 – End month 18)
This WP aims at determining the suitability of multi-tower CSP technology to become a key firmness factor in the integration of renewables in the European electric grids. Molten salt multi-tower systems have the potential to further reduce costs of electricity due to their higher optical efficiency.
GRIDSOL will follow a simple modular approach to combine identical single tower modules to a multi-tower system, a true multi-tower plant will be designed and optimized from scratch at full system level using a holistic approach characterized by a heliostat field variably shared between the towers for maximum efficiency, using molten salts as HTF and d-TES and a single shared power block.
This approach will be validated through modelling and simulation. The model will not only consider the positive effects of a multitower configuration on heliostat field performance, but also negative effects such as additional thermal losses and pumping requirements due to the salt tubes connecting receivers and power block

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 13 – End month 36)
The objective of this WP is to Develop the DOME (Dynamic Output Manager of Energy) system. Furthermore, other specific objectives will be considered: summarize the requirements of the DOME taking into account as inputs the work done in WP2, WP5 and WP6, study the control alternatives to mitigate the renewable generation fluctuations, design the DOME control system. Being able to have enough flexibility to be adapted to any different plants and configurations, design the scaled plant to be able to emulate a general plant and to simulate different modes of operation, define the test protocol to validate the DOME control system, validate the performance of the DOME controller.

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 1 – End month 22)
WP5 aims at analysing scenarios where GRIDSOL can be a solution for the Continental European electric power in terms of adequacy of the interconnected transmission grid within the ENTSO-E framework. Furthermore, it contributes to the development some of the tools for verifying the compliance with wholesale electricity market and interconnected transmission grid constraints and opportunities. Finally, it provides GRIDSOL performances according to different scenarios to be considered for the long-term impact analysis (input to WP7).

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 1 – End month 22)
This WP aims to study the strategies to choose the best combination of technologies from 3 different points of view: minimum cost production, maximum benefit and minimum environmental cost focusing on Non-Interconnected systems (islands). The analysis will require the construction and validation of a large number of scenarios. WP6, requiring inputs from WP2, WP3 and WP4.

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 1 – End month 36)
The main objective of this WP is to assess the capacity of GRIDSOL concept to increase the penetration of renewables without damaging the grid system. Furthermore, it will take care of the achievement of implementing GRIDSOL’s developments vs. BAU (Business As Usual) and/or other relevant scenarios in target markets. It also pursues the definition and selection of indicators and alternating scenarios; implementation of methodology to evaluate the selected indicators in the Balmorel model; upgrade Balmorel model to the requirements of the project; and evaluate the improvements on the grid operation according to these indicators and compared to alternative scenarios: baseline: existing renewable energy plans (let’s say up to 2030, European energy plans), mix of the proposed power in GRIDSOL but as separate power plants, mix of the proposed power in GRIDSOL in an integrated power plant (CSP +HYSOL+PV under DOME). Inputs from WP2, WP3, WP4, WP 5 and WP 6 will be required to complete the tasks.

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 1 – End month 36)
The objective of this WP is to prepare a detailed industrial exploitation plan of the GRIDSOL project results in order to ensure that the knowledge and results generated within the project are brought closer to the market and exploited to the best benefit of all partners creating at the growth and jobs in Europe. In order to enhance the effect of these exploitation activities, during this WP, the IPR strategies of the project will be defined in order to protect the knowledge generated and define the rights for exploiting the project results. Moreover, an innovative business model will be developed in order to commercialize the project results in a cost effective manner.

Lead beneficiary:
(Start month 1 – End month 36)
The objectives of the WP9 are:
- To adequately present the project progress to the end-users and general public and establish the two-way communication channels with the end-users for regular update on the project deliverables.
- To increase the awareness of the project-related subjects among the interested stakeholders.
- To synchronise dissemination within partner’s institutions and develop the business model for management of the project outcomes.
- To consistently disseminate the GRIDSOL project-related information regarding its objectives, course of execution and results.
- To share project results with the scientific community in the topics addressed by the project.
- To support the best information flow between the consortium partners (internal dissemination).
- To cluster with relevant EU and international programmes and initiatives in order to promote the research and receive useful inputs from other scientists and International Communities.
- To contribute, upon invitation by the INEA, to common information and dissemination activities to increase the visibility and synergies between H2020 supported actions.

Project Leader
